Willie Loco Alexander |
Hailed by the Boston Globe as "this
generation's Kerouac", and one of the
originators of the Boston punk scene,
Willie's been around the music scene
since the 60's...he's a Cult hero, a
Boston Rock and Roll Hall of Famer...
was in the Velvet Underground after
Lou Reed...The Lost on Capitol Records...
The Bagatelle, part of the Boss-town
sound..and in the 70's The Boom Boom
Band on MCA. His bands look like a list
of Who's Who in music from the Boston
beat. He toured the country with Elvis
Costello, but loves the other Elvis and
Jerry Lee Lewis. He's played jazz drums,
rock n roll keyboard, and vocals with
a ton of bands and released scores of
singles, lps, and cds on everything from
major labels to the smallest independent
labels. He's also been doing spoken
word performances and readings from
his voluminous journals since the 1960's.
Fan of Jack Kerouac, he often performs
at the Kerouac Festival in Lowell, Mass,
opening for artists like Patti Smith.
Willie's first spoken word release was
"Private WA" on the Tourmaline label
in 1993, produced by long-time friends
and collaborators Ted & Conni St.Pierre
at their 24-track farmhouse studio in
rural Maine. The video, "Middle Street"
was produced by Henry Ferrini, and won
numerous awards. It was also exhibited
at the DeCordova Museum in the Boston area
Willie's spoken word and solo instru-
mental releases on the smasheasy®
label are a rare glimpse into the private
thoughts and dreams of this legendary"
artist. |
DISCOGRAPHY. not even complete
...but getting there.... |
go there now |
For complete info
on live dates, bio,
photos and current reviews, check out
Willie's website.
(But don't forget to
come back to smasheasy®
for the rare Loco
recordings) |
go there now |